5 Easy Steps to Fix Refoss Smart Plug Not Connecting

Is your Refoss Smart Plug Not connecting? Sometimes, you may encounter some difficulties during the setup of your Refoss Smart plugs or have some connectivity issues with the smart plug during usage.

Refoss Smart Plug Not Connecting
Refoss Smart Plug

The good thing is, the issues you may run into while using the smart can be fixed by you, as this article is going to take you through steps on how to troubleshoot your Refoss Smart plugs not connecting.

Without further Ado, let’s begin!

How to Fix Refoss Smart Plug Not Connecting to Wi-Fi

Here are some reasons your Refoss Smart Plug has refused to connect to Wi-Fi and how to fix the problem;

Unsupported Wi-Fi frequency.

Ensure that the 2.4GHz frequency is being used by your router to transmit the Wi-Fi network. Since the Refoss Smart Plug does not support the 5GHz band, the connection could be lost if the router (for dual-bands) switches to the 5GHz band on its own.

Check your router’s settings to make sure just 2.4GHz is selected. If you found out the 5Ghz is selected, change it to the 2.4GHz band. After setup, you can change it back to 5GHz.

Low Wi-Fi signal strength.

The distance between your Refoss Smart Plug and router should not be that far away. The plug may not get strong Wi-Fi signals if it is placed too far from the router.

This would explain the frequent disconnections and failure of the smart plug to connect to Wi-Fi. To enhance your Wi-Fi network, move the devices closer to one another and remove every obstacle between them.

You can also get a Wi-Fi extender or repeater to help boost the strength and increase the range of the Wi-Fi network.

Not Running the Current Version of the App.

Running an outdated version of the Refoss Smart Plug may make it not connect to Wi-Fi. Therefore, you need to always keep the app and the smart plug firmware up-to-date.

In addition, if you don’t have the most recent version of the app installed, the Refoss Smart Plug can keep disconnecting and may not connect to Wi-Fi.

Check the Google Play Store or Apple App Store for updates to the Meross app, depending on your phone, and update it if necessary.

This should help fix the connectivity issues to Wi-Fi. If not, continue with the next troubleshooting tip.

Factory Reset Refoss Smart Plug

If none of the troubleshooting tips above fixes the problem, then factory reset the Smart plug and re-configure it. This ought to eliminate the “disconnecting” bug and issues with it not connecting to Wi-Fi.

First, remove the smart plug from the Home app for Homekit on your phone. After that, take it out of the Refoss app as well.

Then press and hold the power button on your smart plug until it flashes green and yellow, this shows your smart plug is ready to pair. Now try connecting to Wi-Fi.

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Try that and see if it works. After reset, configure the smart plug and try reconnecting back to Wi-Fi and your smart plug should connect with no further issues.

How to Fix Refoss Smart Plug Not Connecting to Alexa

Here’s how to fix Refoss Smart Plug not connecting to Alexa;

Step 1: Locate the Alexa app on your phone and open it.

Step 2: On the Menu icon on the top left-hand corner of the app, find ‘Skills and Games’ and select it.

Step 3: Find the search icon and search for ‘Refoss’

Step 4: After selecting Refoss, tap on ‘Enable to use

Step 5: Sign in with your user or log in details and click on ‘Link now

Step 6: Click on the “Authorize’ option to give Alexa control of the smart plug.

If you still have trouble connecting your device to Alexa, ensure that both devices are within range during setup, and also make sure they are both connected to the same Wi-Fi connection.

Contact Refoss customer support if you’re still having issues getting your smart plug connected to Alexa.

How to Fix Refoss Smart Plug Not Connecting to Google Home

To get your Refoss Smart plugs connected to Google Home, follow the steps below;

Step 1: Tap the Plus (+) icon in the top left corner of the Google Home app after it is open. After that, click “Works with Google” after selecting “Set up device”.

Step 2: Enter “Meross” in the search field by tapping the search symbol at the top right corner of the screen. Then click “Meross” on the list of search results.

Step 3: Log in with your Refoss account details (email and password). Select “Meross” after that and then click “Link Now.”

Step 4: To finish the pairing with Google Home, tap “Authorize.”.

That’s how to connect your Meross Smart Plug to Google. If for any reason, you couldn’t get your smart plug connected to Google Home, ensure that you’re connecting to the same Wi-Fi network as Google Home.

Also, ensure both devices are within range, this helps for a better and faster connection. Ensure that the smart plug firmware is up-to-date.

How to Fix Refoss Smart Plug Not Connecting to Apple HomeKit

If you’ve tried getting your smart plug connected to the Apple Homekit all to no avail, here are some reasons why you can’t connect and how to troubleshoot;

Step 1: Disable the 5GHz network band and ensure you’re using the 2.4GHz band

Step 2: Ensure that the smart plug is connected to the same network as the Apple Homekit.

Step 3: Ensure your smartphone is up-to-date, check for updates and install if you found any.

Step 4: check that your smart plug is in pairing mode. The LED should blink amber it green to show that it is in pairing. If not, turn off the smart plug and turn it back on to put it in pairing mode.

Step 5: Reset your router and smart plug. Follow the instructions on your user manual to get this done.

Refoss Smart Plug Not Connecting to App

Here are some possible causes and solutions for this issue:

  • Check your Wi-Fi connection: Make sure your smartphone and the plug are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. If not, switch to the correct network and try again. You can also restart your router or modem if the Wi-Fi signal is weak or unstable.
  • Reset the plug: If the Wi-Fi connection is fine, but the app still cannot find the plug, you may need to reset the plug to factory settings. To do this, press and hold the power button on the plug for about 10 seconds until the LED indicator flashes rapidly. Then, follow the instructions on the app to set up the plug again.
  • Update the app: Sometimes, the app may have bugs or compatibility issues that prevent it from connecting to the plug. To fix this, make sure you have the latest version of the app installed on your smartphone. You can check for updates in the app store or Google Play store and download them if available.
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Refoss Smart Plug Blinking Red

Refoss smart plug has a LED indicator that shows its status. Usually, it should be solid blue when it is connected to Wi-Fi and working correctly. However, sometimes, it may blink red, which means there is a problem with the plug or the network. Here are some possible causes and solutions for this issue:

  • Wi-Fi interference: If there are too many devices or other sources of interference on your Wi-Fi network, such as microwave ovens, cordless phones, or Bluetooth speakers, they may affect the signal quality and cause the plug to blink red. To solve this, try moving the plug closer to your router or changing the Wi-Fi channel on your router settings.
  • Overload protection: If you connect an appliance that draws more power than the plug can handle, such as a heater, air conditioner, or hair dryer, the plug may blink red and shut off automatically to prevent damage. To solve this, unplug the appliance and check its power rating. The maximum load of the Refoss smart plug is 10A/1200W for the US version and 16A/3680W for the EU version. Do not plug or connect appliances that exceed these limits.
  • Power outage: If there is a power outage or a surge in your area, the plug may blink red when the power comes back on. This is because it needs to reconnect to Wi-Fi and sync with the app. To solve this, wait for a few minutes until the plug reconnects automatically or manually reset it by pressing and holding the power button for about 10 seconds.

Refoss Smart Plug Not Responding

Try the following troubleshooting tips if your Refoss Smart Plug is not responding:

  • Check your internet connection: Make sure your internet connection is stable and fast enough to support voice control. You can test your internet speed using online tools such as Speedtest. If your internet is slow or unstable, try restarting your router or modem or contacting your internet service provider.
  • Check your account linkage: Make sure you have linked your Refoss account with your Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant account correctly. You can do this by following the steps in [this guide] for Alexa or [this guide] for Google Assistant. If you have changed your Refoss account password or email, you may need to unlink and relink your account again.
  • Check your device name: Make sure you have given your plug a unique and easy-to-pronounce name in the Refoss app. Avoid using numbers, symbols, or similar-sounding names that may confuse Alexa or Google Assistant. For example, instead of “Plug 1”, you can name it “Lamp” or “Fan.” You can also use groups or routines to control multiple plugs with one command.

Refoss Smart Plug Offline

Refoss smart plug shows as offline in the app when it loses connection with Wi-Fi or the internet. Here’s how to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Check your Wi-Fi connection: Make sure your router is working correctly and has a strong signal. You can check this by connecting another device to Wi-Fi and browsing online. If there is a problem with your router, try restarting it or contacting your internet service provider.
  • Check your plug location: Make sure your plug is within the Wi-Fi range of your router. If it is too far away or blocked by walls or other obstacles, it may lose connection. To solve this, try moving the plug closer to your router or using a Wi-Fi extender or repeater to boost the signal.
  • Check your plug status: Make sure your plug is powered on and has a solid blue LED indicator. If it is off or blinking red, it means there is a problem with the plug or the network. To solve this, refer to the previous sections on the Refoss smart plug not connecting to the app and the Refoss smart plug blinking red.
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Refoss Smart Plug Won’t Turn Off

Here are some possible causes and solutions for this issue:

  • Check your app settings: Make sure you have turned off the plug in the app correctly. Sometimes, you may accidentally tap the wrong button or slide the wrong switch. To turn off the plug, you need to tap the power icon on the main screen of the app or slide the switch to the left in the device settings.
  • Check your voice commands: Make sure you have given the correct voice command to Alexa or Google Assistant to turn off the plug. Sometimes, you may mispronounce the name of the plug or use a different phrase than what you have set up. To turn off the plug, you need to say, “Alexa, turn off [plug name]” or “Hey, Google, turn off [plug name].”
  • Check your schedules and timers: Make sure you have not set up any schedules or timers that may override your manual control of the plug. Sometimes, you may need to remember that you have programmed the plug to turn on or off at a specific time or after a particular duration. To check your schedules and timers, go to the device settings in the app and tap on “Schedule” or “Timer.” You can edit or delete any existing schedules or timers as you wish.


The issue with your Refoss Smart plugs can be fixed easily if you only connect to the 2.4GHz network band. If you have a Mesh or dual-band Wi-Fi, ensure that you use separate names for both network bands.

Ensure that you have a strong Wi-Fi connection during setup to avoid connectivity issues and get a repeater to increase the range of the network. Also, ensure both router and smart plug are in the same location always. Checkout Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting if your smart bulb is giving you issues.

If you still have issues, contact Refoss customer support for help, or consider replacing your smart plug as a last resort. Click here to buy the original from Amazon

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)

Q How Can I Rename a Device?

In the home life app, touch the upper right-hand corner of the device you want to change. That will bring up a device settings menu. You can change the name there.

In the Apple Home app, press and hold the device you are trying to rename.

Q. What State Does the Plug Go to When Power Is Restored After a Power Outage?

The Refoss Smart plug recovers quickly after a power outage to the state it was previously when power is restored. Do not reset the device but wait for it to recover.

Q. Does This Plug Support 220V?

Refoss Smart plugs do not support 220V instead they support 90-125V as anything above this can cause overloading and damage to your smart plug.

Q. Does It Need to Be “Repaired” if the Power Goes Off? What Is the Side Button For?

Yes, it needs to be connected to your 2.4 GHz networks, and after the power is back on, it will instantly connect to your Wi-Fi. If the smart plug doesn’t come on, press the power button to switch it on and it will connect automatically.

Q. Can This Device Work on Bluetooth and Set Up and Connect Through WI-FI?

Refoss Smart plugs do not support Bluetooth. So, your smart plug can’t work on Bluetooth as they are Wi-Fi plugs only.