Orein Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting: + Full Set up Guide

If you are reading this, it is likely that you are experiencing some difficulty connecting or setting up your Orein Smart Light Bulb. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This article has got you covered.

It can be frustrating when your smart bulb doesn’t work as expected after purchase but just like any other electrical and smart home devices, your smart bulb can encounter connection issues from time to time.

In this article, we will explore some common causes of connection problems with the Orein Smart Light Bulb and provide you step-by-step solutions to help you get your smart bulb back up and running.

Orein smart light bulb not connecting to AiDot App, WiFi, Alexa, Google Home Assistant

Without further ado, let’s begin fixing those connectivity issues!

How to Setup Orein Smart Light Bulb With AiDot App

To connect your Orein Smart Light Bulb with the AiDot app, try the following setup steps:

Step 1: Get the AiDot App for Android or iOS in your mobile device app store or scan the QR code in the user manual to download. Create an account and sign in.

Step 2: Screw the bulb into a working socket and make sure it has power. Turn on the bulb and confirm that it is ready to pair.

Step 3: On the AiDot app’s home page, tap the “+” symbol in the top right corner or the “Add device” button in the middle of the page. A menu with options for adding different devices will appear.

Step 4: Tap “Lighting and Control” and choose your smart bulb model from the list, which can be “Wi-Fi Light Bulb” or “Wi-Fi Light Bulb 1st Gen”.

Step 5: Tap “Next” after confirming your smart bulb is in pairing mode or when the bulb changes colors, showing it is ready for setup or pairing.

Step 6: Wait for the AiDot app to search and discover your smart bulb. Follow the in-app instructions to complete the setup, then rename and control your smart bulb through the app.

How to Fix Orein Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting to AiDot App

If your Orein Smart Light Bulb is not connecting to the AiDot app, it can be a frustrating experience. Here are some troubleshooting tips you can try to resolve the issue:

  • The first thing to do when your smart bulb is not connecting to the AiDot app is to check if the bulb is connected to a working socket which is supplying power. Next, you’ll want to check and ensure that you have a good network connection while setting up.
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  • Enable your location or GPRS settings on your mobile device if tablet and open or enable your Bluetooth also. This helps your smartphone or tablet to locate and easily connect and sync with your smart bulb.


  • Take a break and let your bulb cool down. Restart your smartphone or tablet then power cycle your smart bulb by turning it off and waiting for some few minutes before turning it back on. This helps to fix any issues within the device firmware.


  • Delete and reinstall the AiDot App if the issue persists. Remove or delete the AiDot app on your smartphone or tablet then download it again from the app store. Sometimes, a corrupted app can cause connectivity issues, and reinstalling the app can resolve the problem.

If none of the tips above helped you in fixing the connectivity with your smart bulb, reach out to the Orein or AiDot customer support team for further assistance.

How to Connect Orein Smart Light Bulb to Wi-Fi

To set up your Orein Smart Light Bulb to your Wi-Fi network, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download the AiDot app by searching for “AiDot” in your app store or scanning the QR code in the user manual. If you’re a new user, register an account, or log in if you already have one.

Step 2: Screw the bulb into a working outlet or lamp and ensure that it is receiving power. Turn on the bulb and make sure it is ready to pair.

Step 3: On the AiDot app’s home page, tap the “+” symbol in the top right corner or the “Add device” button in the middle of the page. This will display a menu with options for adding different devices.

Step 4: Select “Lighting and Control” and choose your smart bulb model from the list, either “Wi-Fi Light Bulb” or “Wi-Fi Light Bulb 1st Gen”.

Step 5: Tap “Next” after confirming that your smart bulb has blinked twice or changed colors, indicating it is ready for setup or pairing.

Step 6: Follow the other in-app instructions to complete the process and connect your smart bulb with your Wi-Fi network.

Once you have completed the setup process, your Orein Smart Light Bulb should be successfully connected to your Wi-Fi network. If you experience any issues, try the troubleshooting tips below.

How to Fix Orein Smart Bulb Not Connecting to Wi-Fi

To fix the Wi-Fi connectivity issues with your Orein Smart Light Bulb, try the following troubleshooting tips below:

  • Make sure that the Orein Smart Light Bulb is powered on and that the power source is connected properly. Move the bulb to a different socket working adequately if the bulb doesn’t have power.


  • Check your device’s Wi-Fi connection before attempting to connect your smart bulb. ensure that the network is working properly and the network signal is strong and not fluctuating. If the router or Wi-Fi network isn’t working, the connection process will fail.
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  • Make sure that the Orein Smart Light Bulb is within range of the router. If the bulb is too far from the router, it may not be able to connect to the Wi-Fi network, which could result in a failed connection process.


  • The Orein Smart Light Bulb will not connect to a 5GHz Wi-Fi network band. So, ensure that you’re connecting through the 2.4GHz band. If you have a dual-band router, make sure to name the different bands so as to connect to the 2.4GHz band easily.


  • If all else fails, try connecting the Orein Smart Light Bulb to a different Wi-Fi network. It’s possible that the issue is with the network rather than the smart bulb or the app. By trying a different network, you may be able to fix the connection problem.

How to Setup Orein Smart Light Bulb With Alexa

To connect your Orein Smart Light Bulb to Alexa, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download the Alexa app and log in with your Amazon account.

Step 2: Connect or setup your smart bulb with the AiDot app and ensure the setup is successfully completed and you can control the bulb from the app.

Step 3: Open the Alexa menu by pressing “More” in the bottom right corner, then select “Skills & Games” on the homepage of the Alexa app.

Step 4: Tap the search icon in the top right corner, search for “Aidot,” and then select “Enable to Use.” after finding and selecting it from the search results. You’ll be redirected to the AiDot app where you’ll be required to enter your login details.

Step 5: Login with your Aidot account email and password to link Alexa and tap on “Link Now” to link both accounts together.

Step 6: After successfully linking the AiDot skill, ask Alexa to discover your smart bulb and Alexa will sync or add your smart bulb.

If everything went well, you can now control your Orein Smart Light Bulb with the Alexa app or using your Echo device. Try saying “Alexa, turn on/off bedroom light.

How to Fix Orein Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting to Alexa

If you have issues connecting your Orein Smart Light bulb to Alexa, try the following tips to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Check if your Orein smart light bulb is powered on. A device without power would be impossible to set up. Ensure your device is not connected to a faulty lamp or socket. If the bulb has power, restart it and try setting up again.


  • Ensure that you’ve successfully paired the smart bulb with the AiDot app. If you’ve not done that, you’ll have issues connecting to Alexa because Alexa will connect to your smart bulb through the app while linking both accounts together.


  • Double-check the details you entered while linking the AiDot skill. If you’ve entered the wrong AiDot account details, Alexa won’t be able to find and connect to your smart bulb.
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  • Ensure that both your Alexa device and the smart bulb are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. If they are not connected to the same network, the pairing process will fail. Also, ensure you have a stable network throughout the connection process.

If you’re still unable to connect your smart bulb to Alexa, reach out to the Orein Customer Support team for further assistance.

How to Connect Orein Smart Light Bulb to Google Assistant

To setup your Orein Smart Light Bulb to work with Google Assistant, follow these setup steps:.

Step 1: Download the Google Home app and log in with your Google account details or create a new account if you want and sign in.

Step 2: Connect your smart bulb with the AiDot app and ensure the setup is successfully completed and you can control the bulb from the app.

Step 3: Open the Google Assistant app. On the homepage select “Home control” from the menu options.

Step 4: Tap the ‘+’ icon in the bottom right corner, then search for ‘AiDot’ and click on the AiDot icon. You’ll be redirected to the Google Home app.

Step 5: Sign in with your AiDot account email and password to link your AiDot account and Google Assistant.

Step 6: Once the accounts are linked, Google will discover your devices. After discovery is complete, tap ‘GOT IT’ and you can begin controlling your AiDot Smart Bulb.

How to Fix Orein Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting to Google Assistant

If you are experiencing issues with connecting your Orein Smart Light Bulb to Google Assistant, try the following steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Power cycle your smart bulb by turning it off from the switch and waiting for 60 seconds to allow it to cool down. Then, turn it back on and repeat the setup process.


  • Ensure that you’ve successfully paired the smart bulb with the AiDot app. Double-check the details you entered while linking both accounts. If you’ve entered the wrong AiDot account details, Google Assistant won’t be able to find and connect to your smart bulb.


  • Check the Wi-Fi connection abd ensure it is working properly. Furthermore, ensure that both your Google Assistant device and the smart bulb are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. If they are not connected to the same network, the pairing process will fail.

If none of the above steps work, contact Orein customer support for further assistance. They may be able to provide additional troubleshooting steps or replace the smart bulb if it is defective.

How to Factory Reset Orein Smart Light Bulb

To restore the Orein Smart Light Bulb to its factory default settings, do the following steps;

Step 1: Switch off the power supply to the socket

Step 2: Turn the bulb on and off Six (6) times repeatedly

The bulb should blink three (3) times or change colors showing the reset is successful. Go ahead and set up your smart bulb.

Final words

Don’t let connectivity issues with your smart bulb stop you from utilizing the full potential of your smart bulb.

Ensure to try out all the troubleshooting tips above to fix the issue with your smart bulb. Remember, patience also helps, so be patient while trying to fix the problem.

However, if none of the above steps work, contact Orein customer support for further assistance as they may be able to provide additional troubleshooting tips or replace the smart bulb if it is defective.