Merkury Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting: + Full Set up Guide

Smart light bulbs are a convenient and energy-efficient way to control your home lighting, but sometimes they may experience connectivity issues while you’re using or setting them up.

In the paragraphs that follow, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to setting up your smart bulb and troubleshooting tips for resolving the connectivity issue with your ‘Merkury smart light bulb not connecting’.

By the end of this article, you should be able to get your smart light bulb back up and running smoothly if you follow the tips below.

Merkury Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting to Geeni App, Wifi, Alexa, Google assistant

Let’s get started!

How to Setup Merkury Smart Light Bulb With Geeni App

To connect your Merkury Smart Light Bulb with the Geeni app, follow these steps:

Step 1: Search and download the Geeni app from the iOS App Store or the Android Google Play store.

How to Setup Merkury Smart Light Bulb With Geeni App

Step 2: Create an account and log in with your correct user details.

How to Setup Merkury Smart Light Bulb With Geeni App

Step 3: Screw the bulb into a working socket of the lamp, then turn it on. The bulb should start blinking slowly, two times per second.

How to Setup Merkury Smart Light Bulb With Geeni App

Step 4: On the home page of the Geeni app, tap the “+” icon in the top corner of the device’s screen.

How to Setup Merkury Smart Light Bulb With Geeni App

Step 5: Confirm that your smart bulb is blinking and tap “Next” after searching for and selecting your smart bulb.

How to Setup Merkury Smart Light Bulb With Geeni App

Step 6: Follow the in-app instructions and prompts to complete the connection process.

If the connection is successful, your smart bulb should show in the device list. Rename your bulb and choose a room for it, and then you can control and set schedules for the bulb using the app.

How to Fix Merkury Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting With Geeni App

If you’re unable to connect your Merkury Smart Light Bulb with the Geeni app, here are some troubleshooting tips you can try to fix the issue:

  • Power cycle your smart bulb by removing it from its power source, then wait for about 30-60 seconds. Put it back into power and try to connect back to the Geeni app again.
  • Restart your mobile device. When it comes back on, ensure you have a good network connection and move the smart bulb closer to your router, then try the setup process again.
  • Turn on GPRS settings and also Bluetooth connection on your mobile device. This will help your smart bulb connect to the Geeni app faster. You can turn them off after a successful setup.
  • Ensure you’re using a mobile device running iOS® 8 or higher or Android™ 4.1 or higher. It’s advisable to have the latest version to avoid setbacks when setting up your Geeni Smart Bulbs.
Related Post:  Cree Lighting Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting: Quick Fix

If none of the tips above worked for you, contact Geeni support for help.

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Wi-Fi

To connect your Merkury Smart Light Bulb to your Wi-Fi network, try the setup below;

Step 1: Search and download the Geeni app from the iOS App Store or the Android Google Play store.

How to Setup Merkury Smart Light Bulb With Geeni App

Step 2: Create an account and log in with your correct user details.

How to Setup Merkury Smart Light Bulb With Geeni App

Step 3: Screw the bulb into a working socket of the lamp, then turn it on. The bulb should start blinking slowly, two times per second.

How to Setup Merkury Smart Light Bulb With Geeni App

Step 4: On the home page of the Geeni app, tap the “+” icon in the top corner of the device’s screen.

How to Setup Merkury Smart Light Bulb With Geeni App

Step 5: Confirm that your smart bulb is blinking and tap “Next” after searching for and selecting your smart bulb.

How to Setup Merkury Smart Light Bulb With Geeni App

Step 6: Tap “Next” and then enter your Wi-Fi details and tap confirm so the bulb will connect to your Wi-Fi network.

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Wi-Fi

Step 7: Connect to the Merkury or Geeni Hotspot on your mobile device then wait for your device to connect to the network

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Wi-Fi

How to Fix Merkury Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting to Wi-Fi

If your Merkury Smart Light Bulb is not connecting to your Wi-Fi network, here are some tips that should help fix the problem;

  • Check your router and ensure that it has power and is turned on. If the router has power, restart the router and try reconnecting again once it comes back on. Also, power cycle the bulb as this may help fix the connectivity issue.
  • Ensure you have a good network connection. If you’re out of the range of your router, you can add a Wi-Fi extender to increase the range of the network and also improve the network signal.
  • If you have other devices connected to your Wi-Fi network, remove some of these devices and try connecting them back and see if it works. If it works, the issue is with your bulb and you’ll have to reset it. However, if it doesn’t connect, reset your router.
  • Double-check that you have entered the Wi-Fi password correctly during the setup process. If you are experiencing issues with your Internet connection, try resetting your Wi-Fi router. If the Wi-Fi signal is still weak after resetting the router, you may need to try the setup again.

If none of the above troubleshooting tips helped in fixing the problem, reach out to the Merkury support team for further assistance.

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Alexa

To set up your Merkury Smart Light Bulb with Alexa, you need Alexa and Geeniapps, here’s the exact step to connect the bulb to Alexa;

Step 1: Download the Amazon Alexa app from the Google Play store if you use an Android device or the App store if you use an iOS device. Create an account and log in.

Related Post:  NiteBird Smart Bulb Won’t Connect? (Solved)

Step 2: On Alexa tap, the three straight lines at the top left corner of the homepage then tap “Skills and Games”

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Alexa

Step 3:  Search for “Geeni” and tap on the  “Geeni” icon from the search result to enable the Geeni skills.

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Alexa

Step 5: Tap “Enable to Use” and you’ll be redirected to the Geeni app

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Alexa

Step 6: Sign in to your Geeni account using your correct account details and tap ‘Link’

Step 7: From the Smart Home menu, select “Devices” and then tap on the “Discover Devices” button and Alexa should sync with your smart bulb.

How to Fix Merkury Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting to Alexa

If you are having trouble connecting your Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Amazon’s Alexa virtual assistant, try the following tips to resolve the issue:

  • Make sure that you have correctly entered your Geeni account information when linking your Geeni account with the Alexa app. If the details are incorrect, the smart bulb cannot connect to Alexa.
  • Check if your Echo device needs any firmware updates. You can check for updates through the Alexa app or ask Alexa, “Is your firmware up-to-date?” If an update is available, download it and then try the setup process again.
  • In the Alexa app, disable and then re-enable the Geeni skills by going to the “Skills & Games” section and clicking on the Geeni skills. Then click “Disable,” wait a few seconds, and then click “Enable.”

If you are still having difficulty connecting your Merkury Smart Bulb to Alexa, contact the Merkury support team for further help.

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Google Assistant

Do the following steps to set up your Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Google Home Assistant;

Step 1: Download the Google Home app from the Google playstore and sign in with your Google account.

Step 2: On the Google Home app and tap the Plus (+) icon in the top left-hand corner. Next, tap “Set up device” and then click “Works with Google”.

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Google Assistant

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Google Assistant

Step 3: Tap the Search icon in the upper right-hand corner and type “Geeni”. Next, select “Geeni” from the search results.

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Google Assistant

Step 4: Sign in with your Geeni account email and password and tap on “Link Now”.

How to Connect Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Google Assistant

Step 5: Tap “Authorize” to complete the pairing process with Google Home Assistant.

How to Fix Merkury Smart Light Bulb Not Connecting to Google Assistant

If you are experiencing difficulty connecting your Merkury Smart Light Bulb to Google Home Assistant, try the following tips:

  • Remove the smart bulb from the Google Home app and set it up again. This may help resolve the issue with the smart bulb. Once you have done this, add the smart bulb back to the Geeni app and then connect it to Google Home.
  • Make sure that you are using the most up-to-date version of the Google Home app. If you are using an Android device, version 6.0 or higher is required. For iOS devices, you will need to be running iOS version 12 or higher.
  • If all else fails, try uninstalling the Google Home app, downloading it again, and then setting up your device anew. This should allow your smart bulb to connect to Google Home Assistant.
Related Post:  Lumiman Smart Bulb Not Connecting to WI-FI? (Solved)!

If you’re still having issues, contact Merkury support for help.

How to Factory Reset Merkury Smart Light Bulb

To reset a Merkury Smart Light Bulb to its default settings, follow these steps:

  • Turn the bulb off and then back on three times in a row. The bulb should start flashing rapidly (2x per second) to indicate that the reset was successful. This is known as “Easy Mode.”
  • If you need to reset the bulb again, turn it off and then back on three times. This time, the bulb should flash slowly (once every three seconds). This is known as “AP Mode.”

Note: If you are having difficulty setting up the bulb in Easy Mode, you can try switching to AP Mode.

Merkury Smart Light Bulb Failed to Add

Here are some troubleshooting tips you can try if your Merkury Smart bulb won’t add;

  • Make sure the bulb is within range of your home router and that it is properly connected to the correct Wi-Fi network.
  • Power cycle the bulb and wait for at least 60 seconds then turn it back on and try reconnecting again.
  • If none of the above tips helps, reset your smart bulb following the instructions above to restore your bulb to its factory default settings.

If the issue persists, reach out to the Merkury support team for further assistance.

Merkury Smart Bulb Not Resetting

If your bulb is not resetting, stop trying to reset the bulb, then turn it off and, remove it from the lamp or fixture and wait for some time before trying again.

If you try again and the problem continues, your bulb may be defective. Contact the Merkury support team for a possible replacement and further assistance.

Merkury Smart Bulb Not Blinking

If your Merkury smart bulb is not blinking, or if it is blinking at a different rate, try resetting the device by turning it off and on three times in quick succession.

Merkury Smart Bulb App

The Merkury Smart bulb uses the Geeni App, which is an app that controls Merkury Smart cameras, bulbs, plugs, LED Strips, and more.

You can download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for free.


If you have carefully followed the troubleshooting tips outlined above, your Merkury Smart Bulb should now be functioning properly.

If you are still having issues, you may want to consult the user manual or reach out to the Merkury support team for additional guidance. Check out Gosund Smart Bulb Not Connecting if you have other models of the Gosund Smart Bulbs.

When everything else fails, it may be necessary to consider replacing the bulb. Click here to get the original from Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What App Controls Merkury Led Lights? 

The Merkury Smart App controls Merkury LED lights. 

Do Smart Bulbs Need an App? 

Yes, smart bulbs require an app to control them. However, if you’re content with just turning off and on the bulb from the switch or fixture, then you don’t need the app to control them.

Why Is My Merkury Lights Not Connecting? 

If you’re unable to establish a connection between your Merkury smart bulb and the controlling device or your router, several factors could be causing the problem. Understanding the potential causes is the first step in troubleshooting. Here are some common reasons why your Merkury smart bulb may not be connecting:

  1. Wi-Fi Network Issues
  2. Incorrect Network Configuration
  3. Distance from the Router
  4. Firmware Updates

Why Is My Lights Not Responding? 

If your lights are not responding, this may be due to network issues or a power problem. Make sure there’s power coming to the fixture or the switch. You can also try resetting them by turning them off and on three times in quick succession.

Do Merkury Bulbs Need a Hub? 

Merkury smart bulbs do not require a separate smart hub in order to work correctly. These Wi-Fi bulbs work simply by connecting to your home internet and can be controlled through the free Geeni app on your phone.