4 Easy Ways to Fix VOCOlinc Smart Plug Not Connecting

Are you having trouble with your VOCOlinc smart plug not connecting? Are you looking for tips to help you troubleshoot the issues you’re having with your smart plug?

This article is your best bet. In the paragraphs that will follow, you’ll find set up tips and also troubleshooting tips to help you fix the issue with your VOCOlinc smart plug.

VOCOlinc Smart Plug Not Connecting to VOCOlinc App, Wifi, Alexa, Google assistant, Apple Homekit

Without further ado, let’s begin!

How to Setup VOCOlinc Smart Plug With VOCOlinc App

To connect your VOCOlinc Smart Plug to the VOCOlinc app, follow the steps to quickly connect your smart plug;

Step 1: Download and install the VOCOlinc app from Android’s Google Playstore or Apple’s iOS app store. Create a new account if you’re a new user.

Step 2: Plug the smart plug into a working outlet, switch it ON, then press and hold the power button for 5 seconds to put it in pairing mode. The LED indicator light should start blinking by now, showing it is ready to pair.

Step 3: Open the VOCOlinc app and tap the “+” icon on the homepage to add your smart plug

Step 4: Find and locate your smart plug from the list of available devices, select it, and follow the in-app instructions to complete the connection process.

You may be required to scan the QR code of your smart plug or enter a set up code which is available on the user manual.

How to Fix VOCOlinc Smart Plug Not Connecting to VOCOlinc App

To troubleshoot your VOCOlinc Smart Plug not connecting to the VOCOlinc app, the tips below should help you fix the problem;

  1. Ensure you’re using the latest version of your smartphone. For Android devices, ensure you’re using version 4.3 and above while for iOS devices, ensure you’re running version 11 or higher.
  2. Check your smart plug’s firmware is up-to-date. Always use the VOCOlinc app to keep your firmware updated to avoid issues during set up or connection.
  3. Power cycle your smart plug by turning it OFF and wait for about 30 to 60 seconds before rebooting and going over the connection steps again.
  4. Ensure that your iPhone, iPad, or Android are connected to a 2.4GHz network band. If you’re connected to a 5GHz network, the connection may not be successful, hence you’ll need to be connected to the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi band.

If you’re still unable to connect to the VOCOlinc app, send a message to VOCOlinc customer service for further assistance.

How to Connect VOCOlinc Smart Plug to Wi-Fi

Follow the steps below to connect your VOCOlinc Smart Plug to Wi-Fi;

Related Post:  Smart Plug Not Connecting: Quick Fix

Step 1: Download the VOCOlinc app from your mobile device app store and sign in with your correct user details

Step 2: Plug the VOCOlinc Smart Plug into a working outlet and put it in pairing mode by pressing and holding the power button for 5 seconds

Step 3: Open the VOCOlinc app and then the “+” icon or the add device option search for your smart plug from the list.

Step 4: From the prompt, choose your Wi-Fi network and enter the correct Wi-Fi details to connect your smart plug to your router or home Wi-Fi network

Step 5: Rename your smart plug after a successful connection to Wi-Fi and set other preferences to your taste. Choose the room you want to use the smart plug and schedule.

How to Fix VOCOlinc Smart Plug Not Connecting to Wi-Fi

If you could not connect your smart plug to Wi-Fi, the tips below will help you troubleshoot and fix the problem.

  1. Power cycle your smart plug. Turn it OFF for a while then reboot. This usually fixes minor issues and bugs within the smart plugs’ firmware. Try reconnecting back to Wi-Fi after the smart plug comes back ON.
  2. Ensure you’re connecting to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network as the VOCOlinc Smart plug cannot connect and work on a 5.4GHz Wi-Fi network. If you have a dual-band router, ensure to change to the 2.4GHz band then try the set up process again.
  3. Ensure that you’re running an Android version of 4.3 or higher, or iOS version 12.0 and above, to avoid issues during the connection process. Check for updates from your mobile device settings, then download and retry the connection again.
  4. Check and ensure that your smart plug is ready to connect. The LED indicator light should blink rapidly, showing it is in pairing mode. If not, press and hold the power button for 5 seconds, then try reconnecting when the indicator light blinks.
  5. Move your smart plug closer to your router or move your smartphone closer to your smart plug to eliminate every obstruction and increase the network strength.

If you still have issues after trying the tips above, then you need to reset your VOCOlinc Smart Plug. Continue reading to find out how to reset your smart plug.

How to Setup VOCOlinc Smart Plug With Alexa

To control your smart plug via Siri using voice assistant and commands, you need to connect your smart plug to the Alexa app.

Step 1: Download and install the Alexa App from your smartphones app store and log in with your Amazon account

Step 2: Log in to the VOCOlinc app with your account details or create a new account if you’re a new user.

Step 3: Open the VOCOlinc App, then long press the device icon to enter the menu, search for “VOCOlinc Cloud” then tap the icon to link your smart plug to the VOCOlinc cloud.

Step 4: On Amazon Alexa, press “Get Started” to set up Alexa on its webpage.

Step 5: on the Alexa app or website, select Skills and then search for VOCOlinc and then tap ‘Enable Skill’

Step 6: Sign in with your VOCOlinc account details and then tap on discover devices. Wait for Alexa to find and connect to your smart plug.

Follow any other in-app instructions to complete the connection process. If the connection is successful, you can now control your smart plug with the help of Alexa’s voice assistant.

Related Post:  3 Easy Steps to Fix Milfra Smart Plug Not Connecting

How to Fix VOCOlinc Smart Plug Not Connecting to Alexa

If you could not connect your VOCOlinc Smart plug to Alexa following the steps above, the tips below should help you fix the issue with your smart plug.

  1. Ensure your smart plug is linked or connected to the VOCOlinc App. This is because when you sign in to Alexa with your VOCOlinc account details, it syncs all devices associated with the account.
  2. Check and sure you entered the correct account details as usernames and passwords are case sensitive, double check your account details to avoid mistakes while logging in within Alexa.
  3. Ensure that your Echo device is turned ON and connected to the Alexa app or website. This is to make sure Alexa can hear your voice commands and relate them to you. Do this and try reconnecting again.
  4. Reset your Echo device. Refer to your user manual for the exact steps to reset your Echo device. Also, check for updates within the Alexa app and download them if you find any.

If you’re still having issues connecting to Alexa, contact the VOCOlinc customer service for help.

How to Connect VOCOlinc Smart Plug to Google Assistant

Follow the steps below to set up your smart plug with Google Assistant;

Step 1: Download the Google Home app, create an account and sign-in

Step 2: On the home page, click on the “Add” button, then select ‘set up device’

Step 3: Select ‘works with Google’ from the options on the next page

Step 4: Search for the VOCOlinc skill from the app to add the VOCOlinc skill to the Google Home App.

Step 5: Once Google Home finds VOCOlinc, enter your VOCOlinc account details and tap the sign-in button.

If the connection was successful, you’ll find VOCOlinc on the Alexa app and you can now assign the rooms which you want to use and create other schedule and timer functions. Also, you can give voice commands to your smart plug.

How to Fix VOCOlinc Smart Plug Not Connecting to Google Assistant

Follow the tips below to troubleshoot VOCOlinc Smart Plug not connecting to Google assistant;

  1. Close the Google Home app. Check for updates on the app and ensure that you’re running the latest version of the Google Home app.
  2. Unplug your smart plug from power and leave it OFF for about 10 seconds, then restart the smart plug and ensure that it is ready for connection to Wi-Fi.
  3. Reboot your speaker and connect again, but if the issue persists, check your user manual for the exact steps to reset your speaker.

If you still have trouble getting your smart plug connected to Google Home, contact VOCOlinc support or the Google Nest Expert for help.

How to Connect VOCOlinc Smart Plug to Apple HomeKit

The Apple HomeKit is available to iPhone or iOS users. Connecting your VOCOlinc Smart Plug to the Apple HomeKit allows you to control your smart plug using voice command.

Follow the steps below to set up your VOCOlinc Smart Plug to Apple’s HomeKit;

Step 1: Download the Apple HomeKit app from the iOS app store, create an account and sign in with your correct user details.

Step 2: Plug your VOCOlinc Smart Plug into power and switch it ON.

Related Post:  5 Easy Steps to Fix Sonoff Smart Plug Not Connecting

Step 3: Press the power button for 10 seconds to reset the smart plug

Step 4: Open the Apple Homekit app, then scan the code on your user manual to add up your smart plug

Step 5: Open the VOCOlinc app and tap the “+” icon on the homepage to connect to

How to Fix VOCOlinc Smart Plug Not Connecting to Apple HomeKit

Did the set up process for Apple HomeKit failed? Try the tips below to troubleshoot;

  1. Ensure your iOS device is running its current version. Go to your phone’s settings to check if updates are available, download and then stall it then try the reconnection process to Apple HomeKit.
  2. Using HomeKit requires an iOS-enabled device for it to work. Apple HomeKit won’t work on an Android device.
  3. Check and ensure your smart plug is turned ON and blinks rapidly, showing it is ready to connect. Also, check that you’re logged in to your iCloud account and you have a working Wi-Fi connection.

If you’re still facing difficulties getting the problem fixed, contact the VOCOlinc customer service for further assistance.

VOCOlinc Smart Plug Not Connecting to iPhone

If you’re having trouble connecting your VOCOlinc Smart Plug to your iPhone, here are some tips to help you troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Ensure that your smartphone is running on the latest version of iOS.
  2. Check that your smart plug’s firmware is up-to-date. You can use the VOCOlinc app to update the firmware.
  3. Power cycle your smart plug by turning it off and waiting for about 30-60 seconds before turning it back on and going through the connection steps again.
  4. Ensure that your smart plug is within range of your Wi-Fi network and that no obstructions are blocking the signal.

If none of these tips work, you can reset your smart plug by pressing and holding the power button for 5 seconds until the LED indicator light starts blinking rapidly. Then, follow the steps to connect your smart plug to your iPhone.

How to Reset VOCOlinc Smart Plug

Your best bet for solving the issue with your VOCOlinc Smart Plug after trying all the troubleshooting tips above but none worked is to reset your smart plug.

To reset, press and hold down the power button for around 5 seconds to restore it to factory settings.

The LED indicator should blink rapidly if the reset is successful, also showing it is ready to pair or connect.


If you’re still facing difficulties after trying all the setup steps and troubleshooting tips above, reset your device following the tip above to see if that fixes the problem. Checkout Smart Plug Not Connecting to fix any issues with your smart plug if you’re not using a Vocolinc smart plug.

However, if the problem persists, consider replacing your smart plug or try contacting VOCOlinc customer support for further assistance. For replacement, click here to get the original from Amazon

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Why Am I Not Able to Log in to My Vocolinc Account?

The VOCOlinc account system takes case sensitivity into account when displaying usernames and passwords. When you log in or register for the VOCOlinc app, pay attention to the upper- and lowercase letters in the username and password.

Q. How Can I Recover the Connection of the Device?

If the connection fails after a while, power off the device and then put it back on, then wait for about 2 minutes and the device should reconnect automatically.

Q. How Do I Fix Unresponsive Smart Plug? 

If your VOCOlinc Smart Plug is unresponsive, try power cycling it by turning it off and waiting for about 30-60 seconds before turning it back on again. If this doesn’t work, try resetting your smart plug by pressing and holding the power button for 5 seconds until the LED indicator light starts blinking rapidly.

Q. Does Vocolinc Work With Google? 

Yes, VOCOlinc Smart Plugs are compatible with Google Assistant. You can use voice commands to control your smart plug with Google Assistant.

Q. Can I Control Smart Plug Remotely? 

Yes, you can control your VOCOlinc Smart Plug remotely using the VOCOlinc app on your smartphone or tablet. As long as you have an internet connection, you can turn your smart plug on or off from anywhere in the world.