Leeleberd Led Strip Lights Full Troubleshooting Guide: Quick Fix

Leeleberd LED strip lights are a great option to add color and ambiance to your home.  They create the perfect mood for any occasion. However, like any other electronic device, Leeleberd LED strip lights may encounter some problems from time to time.

You may find your lights are not turning on, syncing, connecting to the app or Wi-Fi, not controlled by Alexa or Google Home, not working properly, or not responding to your commands. If you’re here, chances are you’re having issues with the Light but don’t worry; this guide got you.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Connecting

In this guide, I will help you troubleshoot common issues with your Leeleberd Led Strip Lights and provide some tips and solutions to fix them.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Turning On

If your Leeleberd LED Strip Lights are turning on, do the following to troubleshoot:

  1. Check the power adapter and ensure it is plugged into a working outlet. If possible, try another outlet or another power adapter to see if that works.
  2. Check the controller and ensure it is connected securely to the power adapter and the LED strip. If the controller has a power button, press it to see if the lights turn on. If the controller has an indicator light, see if it is on or blinking.
  3. Check the remote and ensure it has a fresh battery. Press the remote to see if the lights turn on the remote if it has a light indicator. If the remote has an indicator light, see if it is on or blinking.
  4. Check the LED strip and ensure it is not cut or broken. If you have multiple strips connected, ensure they are aligned correctly and that the arrows on the connectors point in the same direction. If you have cut the strip yourself, ensure that you have done so at the designated cutting points and have soldered or taped the wires properly.

If none of these steps work, contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Syncing

If your LED Strip Lights is not Syncing, do the following:

  1. Check your Wi-Fi router and ensure it has a strong and stable signal. Move it closer to the controller or use a Wi-Fi extender to boost the signal if possible. You can also try refreshing your router by unplugging it for 10 seconds and plugging it back in.
  2. Make sure you’ve paired the Light with the App. Next, power cycle the Light. To do this, unplug the power adapter then, wait for a few seconds, then plug it back in
  3. Check the controller and ensure it is within 10 meters (33 feet) of the LED strip and other devices you want to sync. Move them closer together or remove any obstacles interfering with the signal.
  4. Check the App or voice assistant and ensure they are set up correctly. Once make sure that the Light is close to the Music source so that it will Sync easily.

If none of these steps work, contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Connecting to App

If you’re having issues connecting your Light to the App, do the following to fix it:

  1. Check the controller and ensure it is in pairing mode. To do this, quickly plug and unplug the power adapter three times until the LED strip flashes rapidly. This indicates that the controller is ready to pair with the App.
  2. Make sure you’re using the correct App. The Light Strip uses the “Keepsmile” App. So, if you’re using another App, delete it, download the Keepsmile App, and try reconnecting.
  3. Check the App and ensure it is updated to the latest version. To do this, search the App Store or Google Play for “Keepsmile.” If an update is available, tap “Update” and wait for it to finish. Then reopen the App and try connecting again.
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If those steps do not work, you may need to use another device or contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Connecting to Wi-Fi

Another possible problem that you may face is that your Leeleberd LED Strip Lights are not connecting to your Wi-Fi network. This could be due to several reasons, such as:

  • The Wi-Fi password is incorrect
  • The Wi-Fi signal is weak or unstable
  • The Wi-Fi network is not compatible with the controller
  • The Wi-Fi router has a firewall or other security settings

To fix this problem, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check your Wi-Fi password and make sure that it is correct. To do this, open the Keepsmile app and tap the “+” icon at the top right corner to add a new device. Select “LEDnetxxxxxx” from the list of available devices and enter your Wi-Fi password. If you see an “Incorrect password” message, try typing it again or check it on your router label.
  2. Check your Wi-Fi signal and ensure it is strong and stable. To do this, look at the Wi-Fi icon on your smartphone screen and see how many bars it has. If it has less than three bars, try moving closer to your router or use a Wi-Fi extender to improve the network.
  3. Make sure you’re connecting to a 2.4GHz band. The Strip Light is not compatible with the 5GHz network band.
  4. Remove any firewalls or VPNs you’ve set up, as they may be why your device is not connecting to Wi-Fi.

If you’re still having issues, contact Leeleberd support for assistance.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Controlled by Alexa

To fix this problem, you can try the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the Light is connected to your Wi-Fi network. Also, maintain a good and stable network connection so you can control the Light whenever you want.
  2. Check the controller and ensure it is paired with the app and Google Home. Download the Alexa app, hit the Add Device option from the homepage, and follow the in-app instructions to complete the setup.
  3. Check your Alexa device and app and ensure they are updated to the latest version. To do this, go to the App Store or Google Play and search for “Google Home.” If an update is available, tap “Update” and wait for it to finish. Then reopen the app and try using your voice again.
  4. Check your voice command and ensure it is clear and correct. Speak slowly, avoid background noise, and use simple phrases. You can also try these simple commands;
  • Turn on/off [device name]
  • Set [device name] to [color]
  • Dim/brighten [device name]

If none of these steps work, contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Controlled by Google Home

Do the following troubleshooting tips if Google Home is not controlling your device:

  1. Check the Strip Light to ensure it is connected to your Wi-Fi network. Restart your Router, then check the Keepsmile App and see if you can find the Strip Light in the device section. If you can’t, tap the “+” sign or Add device option on the homepage and follow the instructions to add the Strip Light.
  2. Ensure your Light is paired with the app and Google Home. The Strip Light must first be paired with the Keepsmile App and then linked to the Google Home app before you can control them using Google Assistant.
  3. Check your Google Home device and app and ensure they are updated to the latest version. To do this, search the App Store or Google Play for “Google Home.” If an update is available, tap “Update” and wait for it to finish. Then reopen the app and try using your voice again.
  4. Check your voice command and ensure it is clear and correct. Speak slowly, avoid background noise, and use simple phrases.

If none of these steps work, contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

Leeleberd Led Strip Lights Not Working

If your LED Strip Light is not working, do the following to fix the problem:

  1. Check the Power Source. Make sure the Strip Light is plugged into a working power source. If you’re unsure if the power source works, change to another outlet and see if the Strip Light comes on.
  2. Check the light sensor on the remote is not blocked or dirty. Locate the light sensor on the controller or remote and ensure it is facing toward the light source that you want to recognize or control.
  3. Make sure you have a stable network connection. Also, ensure you’ve correctly set up your Strip Light on the Keepsmile App, Linked to Google Home, and enabled the Leeleberd Skill in the Alexa app.
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If none of these steps work, make sure you contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Pairing with Remote

If the Light Strip is paired with the Remote or the Remote is not working, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  1. Check the remote battery and ensure it is fresh and inserted correctly. Check the batteries in the remote. If they are weak or dead, replace them.
  2. Point the remote directly at the LED strip lights when pressing the buttons. Hold the button on the remote for a few seconds until the LED Strip Lights flash or respond.
  3. Make sure that the remote is within range of the controller. Move them closer together or remove any obstacles interfering with the signal.

If none of these steps work, contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Dimmable

If your Lights are not Dimmable, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  1. Ensure your Strip Light is Dimmable. Replace the Strip Light with Dimmable ones. Also, ensure that you’re using the correct and compatible Controller; always use the Controller that came with your product packaging.
  2. Ensure you’re pressing the right button or sequence if you’re using a remote to DIM the Lights. Likewise, if you’re using the Keepsmile app, ensure you’re doing the right thing to DIM the light and also if you’re using a voice assistant. Make sure you’re saying the correct command.
  3. Check the power adapter and ensure it is sufficient or excessive for your LED strip. Leeleberd LED Lights are 24V LED strips, so you’ll need a 24V power adapter. If your power adapter is too low or too high for your LED strip, it may affect or damage its brightness level.
  4. Check your app or voice assistant and ensure they are configured correctly.

If none of these steps work, contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Responding

If your Leeleberd LED strip lights are not responding to your commands or actions, try the following tips to fix the problem:

  1. Check the Controller and see if it’s malfunctioning. To do this, press any button on the Controller or the remote and see if the LED strip reacts. Suppose it does not try turning off the Strip Light and wait for 5 seconds. Then try using it again.
  2. Check your app or voice assistant and see if they are connected or working. To do this, open the app or say a command and see if the LED strip responds. Suppose it does not try reconnecting or updating the app or voice assistant by following the steps in the previous sections.
  3. Check your Wi-Fi signal and see if it is weak or unstable. To do this, look at the Wi-Fi icon on your smartphone screen and see how many bars it has. If it has less than three bars, try moving closer to your router or use a Wi-Fi extender to boost the signal.
  4. Check your LED Strip and see if it is affected by external factors such as moisture, dust, or interference. To do this, inspect the strip for any visible signs of damage or dirt, such as water droplets or dust particles. If you see any of these, you may need to clean or replace the strip or contact Leeleberd customer service for help.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Changing Colors

If your Leeleberd LED Strip Lights are not changing colors, try the following to fix the problem:

  1. Ensure you pressed the correct button on the remote and that you’re pointing the Remote towards the Controller. Ensure there’s no obstruction between the Remote and the Control and that they are not too far apart.
  2. Make sure you have internet access if you’re using the Keepsmile app or Voice Assistant to change the colors of your Strip Light. Without a good and stable network, the Light may not respond; hence it won’t change colors.
  3. Check the remote battery and ensure it is fresh and inserted correctly. If possible, try another battery or another remote to see if that works.
  4. Check your app or voice assistant and ensure they are configured correctly. If none of these steps work, contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Updating Firmware

If your Strip Light is not updating Firmware, this is largely due to network issues. Try the following to fix the problem:

  1. Ensure your device is connected to your Wi-Fi network. Also, maintain a stable network during the update. If the network keeps fluctuating, your device update may not be completed.
  2. Reset your Router. Follow the instructions in the user manual to reset your router, then add the device to your router again, and try updating the Lights Firmware.
  3. You may have network downtime if the above tips don’t help. Do the update at a later time when you have a stable network. However, if everything looks good but the update won’t complete, contact the Leeleberd support team for help.
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Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Keep Disconnecting

If your Leeleberd LED Strip Lights keep disconnecting, try the following to fix this problem:

  1. Check the controller and see if it is faulty or damaged. To do this, inspect the controller for visible wear and tear signs, such as cracks, burns, or corrosion. If you see any of these, you may need to replace the controller or contact Leeleberd customer service for a warranty claim.
  2. Check your Wi-Fi signal and see if it is weak or unstable. To do this, look at the Wi-Fi icon on your smartphone screen and see how many bars it has. If it has less than three bars, move your router close to the Lights to improve the network.
  3. Check the Keepsmile app or voice assistant and see if they are updated or have a bug. To do this, go to the App Store or Google Play and search for “, Keepsmile,” “Amazon Alexa,” or “Google Home.” If an update is available, tap “Update” and wait for it to finish. Then reopen the app or voice assistant and try connecting again.
  4. Check your router settings to see if they block or interfere with your controller. Some routers may have a firewall or other security features that prevent unknown devices from connecting to the network. To fix this, you may need to turn off these features temporarily or add your controller to the whitelist of allowed devices.

If none of these steps work, contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Won’t Turn Off

There are several reasons why your lights won’t turn off. Below are some reasons and how to fix it:

  • The power adapter is not plugged in properly or is faulty. Unplug the power adapter from the outlet and see if the LED strip turns off completely. If it does, plug it back in and see if it works normally
  • The controller is not working. If you’re using a remote to turn off the Light and it’s not working, then there are chances the controller is not working. In that case, you’ll have to replace the controller.
  • The remote battery is low or dead. Check the remote battery and ensure it is fresh and inserted correctly. If possible, try another battery or another remote to see if that works.
  • The app or voice assistant is not configured correctly. Ensure the Light is added to your app or voice assistant and make sure that they are configured correctly

If none of these steps work, contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Showing Up in App

If your Leeleberd LED strip lights are not showing up in the Keepsmile app, check the controller, App, and smartphone to ensure they are set up correctly.

Also, ensure you have a stable internet connection and use the correct App (Keepsmile). Double-check that you didn’t sign in with the wrong account if you logged out of the App. If the issues persist, delete the Apps data and add your Lights to the App again.

Leeleberd LED Strip Lights Not Recognizing Lights

If your Leeleberd LED Strip Lights do not recognize your Lights, try the tips below to fix them:

  • Check the controller and make sure that it is working properly. Disconnect it from the Strip Light and power, wait for some time, then reconnect it and see if this fixes the problem.
  • Check the Controller Sensor and ensure it is not blocked or dirty. Find the sensor on the controller and clean it properly. Also, Ensure your Remote is facing the Controller and the Controller is close to the Music source or device you want to recognize or sync.

If none of these steps work, contact Leeleberd customer service for further assistance.

How to Factory Reset Leeleberd LED Strip Lights

To perform a factory reset on your Leeleberd LED Strip Lights, follow the steps below:

  1. Unplug the power adapter from the outlet and wait for 10 seconds.
  2. Plug the power adapter back into the outlet and wait for the LED strip to light up.
  3. hold the reset button on the remote control or controller for 10 seconds until the LED Strip flashes slowly.
  4. Release the reset button and wait for the LED strip to flash rapidly.
  5. Your Leeleberd LED strip lights are factory reset and ready to be paired again.


In this article, I have covered some of the most common problems you may face with Leeleberd LED strip lights and provided some tips and solutions to fix them.I hope this guide has helped you fix the problem with your Leeleberd LED strip lights and you’re back to enjoying the Strip Light.

If you have any questions or feedback, or maybe your device won’t work after trying everything, you may have to replace the Strip Light or contact the Leeleberd support team for further assistance.