Ohlux Smart Bulb Not Pairing? (How to Troubleshoot)

Are you having issues paring your Ohlux Smart Bulb to its app/your home Wi-Fi? If so, keep reading as we’ve got you covered in this article.

In the following paragraphs, I’ll walk you through how to troubleshoot Wi-Fi connection/pairing issues with your Ohlux Smart Bulb. So, if your Ohlux Smart Bulb not pairing, continue reading to troubleshoot. Let’s begin!


Ohlux Smart Bulb Not Pairing

How to Troubleshoot Ohlux Smart Bulb Not Pairing

Here are some of the ways you can troubleshoot and fix Ohlux smart bulb not pairing:

1. Power Cycle Your Device

First, check your light bulb and ensure that it has got power. If not, power cycle it before trying to reconnect back to Wi-Fi.

Next, check your router and other smart devices and ensure that there are in good working condition, receiving adequate power. Power cycle everything, the Ohlux Smart Bulb, your router, hub, and any other smart device.

You power cycle by unplugging your device from power and waiting for a few seconds and plugging it back into power. Now, do this for all your devices.

Try reconnecting back to Wi-Fi and see if these fixes the problem else, continue the next troubleshooting step.

2. Use the Correct App

When connecting to Wi-Fi, ensure that you have installed the correct app to avoid connectivity issues. Go to your play store and download the ‘Smart Life App’ and follow the instructions on your user manual for setting.

If you have the app installed already, delete it and download the updated version from your play and try setting it up all over again. Ensure that you connect the smart bulb to the app before trying to connect to your home Wi-Fi network.

3. Remove All Interference

You need to remove all interference to enable your smart bulb to connect to Wi-Fi. If objects are blocking your router and bulb, remove them when you are having difficulties connecting to Wi-Fi.

Have you set up anything new that might interfere? You might have introduced something that interferes with the Wi-Fi network (other Wi-Fi-enabled devices).

If there is interference, you might need to remove them. If there are too many devices are connected to your router, disconnect or manually remove some to make room for your Smart Bulb.

However, you can try to power cycle everything that uses the same wireless frequencies, and moving your smart bulb closer to the router.

Related Post:  Govee Light Bulb Not Connecting to Wi-Fi? (How to Troubleshoot)

Remember, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and 2.4GHz Wi-Fi all operate on the same frequency, and they can interfere with each other if you are trying to connect to all of them at once or have many devices.

Did this fix the problem? If not, continue the next troubleshooting step.

4. Check Your Network

Most routers today come with mixed or dual-band channels. By default, your smart bulb connects to the 5 GHz network band. Ohlux Smart Bulb works only with the 2.4 GHz network band.

So, disable the 5 GHz band and configure or set up only with the 2.4ghz enabled after everything works perfectly. After setup, you can activate the 5GHz again.

If possible, check the 2.4 GHz channels because there are less crowded, and switch your Wi-Fi. If you use a ZigBee channel, check and ensure to switch to the 2.4 GHz network band accordingly.

5. How to Factory Reset Ohlux Smart Light Bulb

You want to reset your Ohlux Light Bulb if the above steps couldn’t fix the issue you’re having with it. As you may know, restoring default settings on smart devices usually helps to fix some minor issues. So go ahead and rest it to see if that will fix the problem.

Follow the steps below to reset your Ohlux Smart Bulb:

  • Step 1: Switch the bulb off from the switch and wait for a few seconds
  • Step 2: Turn the bulb on-off-on-off-on until the bulb blinks rapidly.
  • Step 3: Once the light blinks rapidly, try to reconnect back to Wi-Fi.

Once the light blinks rapidly, the factory reset may have been successful. So, follow the instructions below to add your smart bulb to the Smart Life App and then connect to Wi-Fi.

How to Connect Your Ohlux Smart Light Bulb to Smart Life App

Follow the instructions below to set it up:

  • Step 1: Download the Smart Life app, create a new account, and log in if you don’t have one.
  • Step 2: Click the plus “+” sign at the upper right corner–Go to ‘all devices’–and then ‘Lighting Devices’.
  • Step 3: Turn on the switch 3 times: on-off-on-off-on until it flashes quickly
  • Step 4: Click “confirm light blinks rapidly” and then input your correct Wi-Fi credentials and connect.

Your device should connect within 30 seconds if everything works perfectly fine.

Ohlux Smart Bulb Not Pairing to WI-FI

If your Ohlux smart bulb is not pairing with Wi-Fi, below are some possible reasons why and how to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Your Wi-Fi router is not compatible with Ohlux smart bulbs: Ohlux smart bulbs only work with 2.4 GHz WIFI networks, not 5 GHz networks. Make sure your router supports the 2.4 GHz frequency and that you have selected the correct network when pairing your bulbs.
  • If your Wi-Fi signal is not strong enough or keeps dropping, your smart bulbs may not be able to connect to it. Try moving your router closer to your bulbs or using a Wi-Fi extender to boost the signal.
  • Your smart bulb is too far from your router or has interference from other devices. The maximum distance between your smart bulb and your router should be about 15 meters. If your bulb is too far away, it may not receive the Wi-Fi signal. Also, avoid placing your bulb near metal objects, microwave ovens, or other devices that may cause interference.
  • Your smart bulb is not in pairing mode. To pair your smart bulb to your Wi-Fi network, you need to put it in pairing mode first. To do this, turn the bulb on and off three times quickly until it flashes rapidly. Then, follow the instructions on the Ohlux app or the voice assistant app to complete the pairing process.
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Ohlux Smart Bulb Not Pairing to Phone

If you are having trouble pairing your Ohlux smart bulbs to your phone, there are some possible reasons and solutions to fix the problem: 

  • Check and ensure that your phone’s Bluetooth is turned on and functioning correctly. You can do this by going to your phone’s settings and looking for the Bluetooth option. If it is off, turn it on and try pairing again. If it is on, try turning it off and on again or restarting your phone. 
  • Another factor to consider is your phone’s location service. Ohlux smart bulbs require access to your location information to pair with your phone, so make sure your location service is turned on and functioning properly. You can check this by going to your phone’s settings and looking for the location option. If it is off, turn it on and try pairing again. If it is on, try turning it off and on again or restarting your phone. 
  • Check that the Ohlux app has been granted app permissions to access your phone’s Bluetooth and location services. To do this, go to your phone’s settings, find the apps option, and select the Ohlux app. From there, make sure all permissions are enabled, and try pairing again. 


By following these steps, you should be able to successfully pair your Ohlux smart bulbs to your phone and start enjoying all of the app’s features, such as timers, scenes, and schedules.

How to Put Smart Bulb in Pairing Mode

Pairing your smart bulb with your Wi-Fi network or voice assistant devices such as Alexa or Google Home requires you to put it in pairing mode. Pairing mode allows other devices to detect and connect with your smart bulb. Follow the steps below to put your smart bulb in pairing mode:

  1. Ensure that your smart bulb is connected to a lamp socket or fixture and is powered on. Your smart bulb cannot be put in pairing mode if it is not plugged in or turned on. 
  2. Quickly turn the bulb on and off three times until it begins to flash rapidly. This signifies that the bulb is now in pairing mode and ready to be paired with other devices.
  3. Use the Ohlux app or your voice assistant app to complete the pairing process. Depending on which device you want to pair with, you will need to use different apps and methods. 
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For example, if you want to pair with Alexa, you will need to use the Alexa app and enable the Ohlux skill. If you’re going to pair with Google Home, you will need to use the Google Home app and add the Ohlux device.

Ohlux Smart Bulb Instructions

You can connect your Ohlux smart bulbs to your WiFi network or voice assistant device using either the Ohlux app or the voice assistant app. This will allow you to control your smart bulbs remotely or with your voice. 

To pair your bulbs, put them in pairing mode by quickly turning them on and off three times until they flash rapidly. Then, follow the instructions in the app to complete the process. Once your smart bulbs are connected, you can use the Ohlux app or voice assistant app to adjust the color, brightness, temperature, and mode of your bulbs. 

Additionally, you can create custom scenes, schedules, timers, and routines to automate your lighting. You can set your bulbs to turn on at sunrise, change colors based on your mood, or even sync with your music.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why Can’t I Connect My Smart Bulb?

There are several possible reasons why you may not be able to connect your smart bulb to your Wi-Fi network or your phone. Some of them are:

Your WI-FI router is not compatible with Ohlux smart bulbs; your WI-FI signal is too weak or unstable; your smart bulb is too far from your router or has interference from other devices; your smart bulb is not in pairing mode. 

Your phone’s Bluetooth or location service is turned off or not working correctly, or your phone’s app permissions are not granted or not working correctly. To solve these issues, please refer to the sections above on how to troubleshoot them.

How Do I Reset My Smart Bulb?

 If you want to reset your smart bulb to its factory settings, you need to turn it on and off nine times quickly until it flashes three times. This will erase all the previous settings and data from the bulb and make it ready for pairing again.

How Many Smart Bulbs Can I Control With One App or Device?

You can control up to 50 smart bulbs with one Ohlux app account or one voice assistant device. However, this may vary depending on the performance of your Wi-Fi network and your phone. However, a bluetooth device can only control one device at a time.

Can I Use My Smart Bulb With a Dimmer Switch?

No, you cannot use your smart bulb with a dimmer switch. Dimmer switches may cause flickering, buzzing, or damage to your smart bulb. You can use the Ohlux app or the voice assistant app to adjust the brightness of your smart bulb instead.

Can I Use My Smart Bulb Outdoors?

No, you cannot use your smart bulb outdoors. Ohlux smart bulbs are designed for indoor use only. They are not waterproof or weatherproof and may malfunction if exposed to moisture, dust, extreme temperatures, or direct sunlight.

Final Words

Those are some of the troubleshooting steps you need to take when your Ohlux Smart Bulb is refusing to get paired. Ensure to try all the troubleshooting steps to get your smart device into pairing mode.

Once you get your device into pairing mode, you can then connect to Wi-Fi or the Smart Life App.If you’re still having issues getting your smart device paired, contact Ohlux customer support for further help. Click here to buy the original from Amazon