5 Easy Steps to Fix KMC Smart Plug Not Connecting

Are you having issues getting your KMC Smart Plug connected? You’re in luck! This article has got you covered.

KMC Smart Plug Not Connecting
KMC Smart Plug

If you have issues getting your KMC Smart Plug connected to Wi-Fi, Alexa or Google Home, read on to the end to find out how to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

In the paragraphs that follow, you’ll find tips to help you troubleshoot the connectivity issues you’re having with your KMC Smart Plug.

Without further ado, Let’s begin!

How to Fix KMC Smart Plug Not Connecting to Wi-Fi

Your KMC smart plug may rarely not be detected by your home Wi-Fi network, this may cause your smart plug not connecting to a Wi-Fi network.

Several factors may be responsible for this. However, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you fix the problem.

Check Your Network Connection

First, check to see if your smartphone and the smart plug are both linked to the same Wi-Fi network if you have over one wi-fi router.

When both devices are connecting to a different Wi-Fi network, your smart plug may have issues getting connected to Wi-Fi.

To be sure, use another app on your smartphone to verify that your wi-fi network is active and functioning adequately.

Ensure You’re Connecting to a 2.4GHz Network Band

If you cannot connect your KMC smart plug to your home wi-fi network even though it is visible and functional on your smartphone app, see if your network is operating on the 2.4 GHz network band.

The KMC smart plug will only connect and function properly on the 2.4GHz band. So, ensure you’re not connecting to the 5GHz band.

Also, ensure that the smart plug and your router or phone are close when connecting to Wi-Fi. This helps for a faster and better connection time without hassles.

Ensure You’re Using an Updated Device

The reason you may have issues getting your smart plug connected to Wi-Fi is that you’re running or using an outdated OS.

Check and ensure that you’re using Android version 4.3 or higher and iOS 8 or higher, as anything lower may cause connectivity issues between both devices.

A higher Android or iOS version would help the device to connect faster and properly function.

Double Check Wi-Fi Credentials

During connection set setup and entering a Wi-Fi password, typos are the most common reason you may experience difficulty in getting your smart plug connected to Wi-Fi and also ‘time out error message.

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The KMC app won’t let you know if your password is wrong; instead, it will just time out and cannot. Please double-check your router password and be careful to use capital and lowercase letters and numbers correctly when entering it into the KMC or Smart Life app.

Additionally, attempting setup in Manual (AP) Mode sometimes solves problems. Please reset your smart plug using the advice below if these solutions don’t work.

Factory Reset KMC Smart Plug

To reset your smart, unplug it from power and wait for 20-20 seconds and plug it back into power. Now, press and hold the power button for 10 seconds and wait till it pairs mode.

Restart the app and try reconnecting back to Wi-Fi. This should help fix the problem with your smart plug.

How to Fix KMC Smart Plug Not Connecting to Alexa

To fix your smart plug not connecting to Alexa, follow the steps below;

Step 1: To set up your smart devices in the KMC Smart app, follow the in-app setup instructions to connect the smart plug and the app.

  1. Download, install the Amazon Alexa app, then sign in with your Amazon account.
  2. If your Amazon Echo device isn’t already configured, do so by following the setup instructions in your Alexa app.
  3. Make sure your Amazon Echo device is turned on and connected to the internet.
  4. Tap Skills & Games from the More tab in the bottom right of the Alexa app.
  5. Select the KMC Smart skill by tapping the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the screen and type “KMC.”
  6. Tap the Enable button, then follow the instructions provided in the app to connect your KMC Smart account with Alexa.
  7. After Alexa and your KMC Smart account have been successfully connected, you can start using Alexa to control your KMC smart plug.

To avoid your smart plug from having connectivity issues with Alexa, always update your device within the KMC Smart app.

Also, if you have over one Amazon Alexa account, ensure that you are logged into the same Alexa account. Your Echo device is connected to avoid your smart plug not connecting to Alexa.

How to Fix KMC Smart Plug Not Connecting to Google Home

Follow the guideline below to link your KMC smart plug to Google Home and also troubleshoot connectivity issues with your smart plug and Google Home.

Step 1: Install the Google Home app on your smartphone and set up your Google Home smart speaker.

Step 2: Make sure your Google smart speaker is turned on and linked to the internet.

Step 3: Ensure you’re connecting both devices to the same Wi-Fi network as your Google Home speaker.

Step 4: Open the Google Home app after logging in and select the Add button in the top left corner. After selecting ‘Works with Google’, then select the setup device.

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Step 5: Search for “KMC” and then choose the KMC Smart action.

Step 6: Now follow the in-app instruction to link your KMC Smart account to Google Home.

Note: Your KMC account username is a phone number or an email address. You can find the correct username at the top of the Account tab in your KMC Smart app.

Step 7: Your KMC Smart plug should have linked to Google Home by now. You can exit the screen and try saying, “Hey Google, and give any command you wish to see if it was a success.

To avoid your Smart Plug from having connectivity issues to Google Home;

If your KMC device is no longer on the Home tab of the KMC Smart app, you may need to re-add it to your account.

Always update your device’s name for it to automatically sync with your Google Home app. Google Home will only discover devices already set up in the Android app.

Make sure you are signed in to the same Google Home account on each Google Home device in your home if you have over one.

Alternately, if you’re still unable to get your smart plug connected to Google Home, you can reset your Google Home device and add them again to your Google account by following the in-app instructions.

KMC Smart Plug Not Responding: How To Fix It

If your ‘KMC Smart Plug’ isn’t responding, don’t panic; follow the tips below to troubleshoot:

First, check that the plug is getting power. Make sure it’s fully plugged into the wall outlet. Try resetting it by quickly unplugging and replugging it.

Next, check the WiFi connection. Is your WiFi working correctly with other devices? Try moving the smart plug closer to your router for a stronger signal. You may also need to reboot your router.

If that doesn’t work, open up the KMC app and go into your smart plug’s settings. Delete the plug from the app and reset it to factory settings. Then, set up the connection again from scratch. Make sure to enter the correct WiFi password. 

KMC Smart Plug Not Turning On

Do you have a KMC smart plug that refuses to turn on? Don’t sweat it; try the tips below to fix the problem:

  1. Check if the plug is getting power by plugging a lamp into it. If the lamp doesn’t turn on, the issue is likely with the electrical outlet, not the plug. Try a different outlet.
  2. Make sure your WiFi connection is strong, stable, and close to the smart plug. Connection issues might prevent the plug from turning on.
  3. Open up the KMC app and check if the smart plug is still connected. Toggle the power switch in the App to see if that turns it on. If not, go into the plug settings in the App and select “reboot device.” This will force a restart that will hopefully get it powering back on.
  4. As a last option, you can factory reset the plug through the app settings. After resetting, set up the smart plug again, following the instructions in the App.
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KMC Smart Plug Not Turning Off

If your smart plug won’t turn off, try these troubleshooting tips below:

  • First things first – check the light on the plug. If it’s still illuminated, the plug is still receiving power even if your device is off. This points to a connectivity issue.
  • Open up the app and check that your WiFi connection is strong in the area around the smart plug. If the connection is spotty, the plug can’t receive the command to power off. If the connection seems fine, try toggling the “Off” switch in the app a few times. If that doesn’t work, go into settings and select “Reboot Device” to force a manual restart. 
  • Remove the plug from the app and reset it to factory settings. Set up the connection again from scratch, making sure to enter the WiFi password correctly.
  • As a last resort, check for any firmware updates from KMC and install the latest version. Outdated firmware can cause functional issues or reset the smart plug.

KMC Smart Plug Keeps Disconnecting

Dealing with smart home gadgets that fail to stay connected can be frustrating. If you’re having trouble with your KMC smart plug, try the following troubleshooting tips to fix the connection issues: 

  1. Check your Wi-Fi router connection strength in the room where you have the problematic plug. Certain areas may have weaker signals, so try moving the router or plug to improve the connection. 
  2. Keep the smart plug at a short distance from appliances that emit electromagnetic signals that can cause interference and connectivity problems. 
  3. Power cycle both the plug and your router by unplugging them from power for 20 seconds and then plugging them back in. This refreshes the connection and may fix the issue. 
  4. Check that the firmware for the smart plug is up-to-date, as outdated firmware often leads to connectivity bugs. Install any available updates. 5. As a last resort, reset your plug to factory settings through the app. Then, set up the Wi-Fi connection again from scratch, making sure to enter your Wi-Fi password carefully when prompted.

Final Words

There you have it, steps to help you troubleshoot your KMC Smart plug connectivity issues. Ensure to try out all the steps given above to see which one helps to fix the problem. checkout Smart Plug Not Connecting if you’re using other brand of smart plugs.

If you’ve tried everything above and none seems to help, contact the KMC customer supposed for help or consider replacing your device. Click here to buy the original from Amazon

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q. Do These Use Bluetooth During the Setup Process?

Although Bluetooth can be turned off during setup, keeping it on may help during the setup process. Try switching from EZ Mode to AP Mode if you are having difficulties getting them configured.

Q: Is Alexa and Google Assistant Built Into This Unit?

The KMC Smart Plug Mini works with both Alexa and Google Assistant. You can easily link them with Alexa and/or Google Assistant on the Account tab in your KMC Smart app or follow the tips given above.

Q. Connection Times Out Repeatedly Despite the Good Network What to Do?

KMC’s Smart Life app cannot tell you if your password is incorrect, it will simply timeout and not connect if the password has been put in wrong. Always double-check your Wi-Fi password and ensure to pay attention to case sensitivity as you enter it into the app.

Q. Does Smart Plugs Work Outside

Yes. It works great as long as you keep it connected to Wi-Fi and there’s a good network reception. Although KMC Smart plugs are not water resistant, you’d want to protect it from water and harsh weather to avoid damage to it.