Keepsmile LED Strip Lights Full Troubleshooting Guide: Easy Fix

Are your Keepsmile LED Strip Lights not working correctly? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! LED strip lights can be tricky to troubleshoot, but with this guide, you’ll be able to fix most problems in no time.

In this guide, I’ll cover the most common problems with Keepsmile LED Strip lights and the solutions. So whether your lights are not turning on, not connecting, or not changing colors, this guide has you covered.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Connecting

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Turning On

Here are some solutions to try if your Keepsmile LED strip lights won’t turn on:

  • Check that the power adapter is plugged into a working outlet and that the output voltage matches the input voltage of the LED strip lights. You can use a multimeter to test the voltage and current of the power supply. If the power supply is faulty, replace it with a new one.
  • Check that the LED strip lights are connected correctly to the power supply and the controller. The arrows on the connectors should align with each other. You can also try unplugging and replugging the connectors several times to ensure good contact. If the connectors are loose or damaged, replace them with new ones.
  • Check the LED strip to ensure that it is not cut or damaged in any way. You can also try cutting off a small section of the LED strip and connecting it directly to the power supply to see if it works. If the LED strip is faulty, replace it with a new one.
  • Check the installation to ensure you have followed the instructions in the user manual for installing your LED strip lights. You should also avoid bending or twisting the LED strip too much, as this could damage the circuit or break the solder joints.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Syncing

Try the following troubleshooting tips to fix your LED Strip Lights not Syncing:

  • Ensure that your remote control has fresh batteries and is inserted correctly. Replace them with new ones if they are low or dead.
  • Ensure your LED strip lights are in Sync Mode, not Music Mode. You can switch between modes by pressing and holding the sync button on your remote control for three seconds.
  • Ensure your LED strip lights are paired correctly with your remote control and the KeepSmile App. Scan the QR code on the Light to install the App, then follow the instructions to setup.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Connecting to the App

If your Lights are not connecting to the App, try the following tips to troubleshoot:

  • Ensure your smartphone has Bluetooth enabled and is within 10 meters of your LED strip lights. You should also avoid placing your smartphone or LED strip lights near other Bluetooth devices or sources of interference that could affect the signal quality.
  • Ensure that your smartphone is compatible with the Keepsmile app and has the latest version of the App installed. You can download the Keepsmile app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Check the system requirements and the supported devices for the App before downloading it.
  • Ensure the instructions in the user manual for setting up and using the Keepsmile app¹. You should also ensure that you have granted the App the necessary permissions and access to your smartphone’s features, such as location, camera, microphone, etc.
  • Ensure that your LED strip lights are connected correctly to the controller and that the controller is powered on.
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Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Connecting to Bluetooth

If your Keepsmile is not connecting to Bluetooth, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  1. Ensure that your phone or tablet is within range of the Bluetooth receiver. The range of Bluetooth is typically about 30 feet, so make sure your phone or tablet is close enough to the receiver.
  2. Make sure that your Bluetooth is turned on. On your phone or tablet, go to Settings > Bluetooth and ensure the toggle switch is turned on.
  3. Check the controller. Ensure that your LED strip lights are connected correctly to the controller and that the controller is powered on. You can reset the controller by pressing and holding the reset button for 30 seconds. You should see all your LED strip lights flash once when reset successfully.

If you still have trouble connecting, try restarting your phone or tablet and the Keepsmile LED strip lights by removing it from power and returning it after 30 seconds.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Working

If your Keepsmile Ked Strip Light is not working, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Ensure the Strip is plugged into a working power source. Also, ensure that your LED strip is not cut or damaged. You can also try cutting off a small section of the LED strip and connecting it directly to the power supply to see if it works. If the LED strip is faulty, replace it with a new one.
  • Ensure that your LED strip lights are connected correctly to the power supply, the controller, and each other. The arrows on the connectors should align with each other. You can also try unplugging and replugging the connectors several times to ensure good contact. If the connectors are loose or damaged, replace them with a new one.
  • Ensure that your LED strip lights are in sync mode, not solo mode. You can switch between modes by pressing and holding the sync button on your remote control for three seconds. All your LED strip lights flash once when they enter sync mode and twice when they enter solo mode.

If the problem persists, your Lights may need to be fixed. Contact the Keepsmile customer support team for further assistance.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Pairing with Remote

Try the following tips if your Lights are not pairing with the Remote:

  • Check for interference. Ensure that no other devices or appliances can interfere with the signal between your LED strip lights and your remote control. Turn off Bluetooth for other devices nearby.
  • Check the battery and ensure that the remote control has fresh batteries and is inserted correctly. Replace them with new ones if they are low or dead.
  • Power Cycle your Strips. Turn them off for 60 seconds before turning them back ON. Next, reset the controller, find the reset button on the Remote for 30 seconds, and the Lights will blink.
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If the issue persists, your Lights or Remote may be faulty. Contact the Keepsmile support team for further assistance.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Dimmable

If your Lights are not Dimmable, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Power Cycle the Strip Light. Turn them off and wait for them to cool off, then reconnect them, and this should help fix the Dimming issue.
  • Ensure that you use the correct remote control for your LED strip lights and that it has a dimming function. You can adjust the brightness level by pressing the + or – buttons on your remote control. You should see the brightness level change on your LED strip lights accordingly.
  • Ensure that your LED strip lights are connected correctly to the controller and that the controller is powered on. You can reset the controller by pressing and holding the reset button for eight seconds. You should see all your LED strip lights flash once when reset successfully.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Responding

Try the following troubleshooting tips if your Lights are not responding:

  • Ensure nothing is blocking or interfering with the signal between your LED strip lights and your remote control or app. You should also ensure that you are within 10 meters of your LED strip lights when using your remote control or app.
  • Check the battery in the remote control and ensure they are fresh and inserted correctly. Replace them with new ones if they are low or dead.
  • Ensure that your LED strip lights are in sync mode, not solo mode. You can switch between modes by pressing and holding the sync button on your remote control for three seconds. All your LED strip lights flash once when they enter sync mode and twice when they enter solo mode.
  • Ensure that your LED strip lights are connected correctly to the controller and that the controller is powered on. You can reset the controller by pressing and holding the reset button for 30 seconds. You should see all your LED strip lights flash once when reset successfully.

If the issue persists, your Lights or Remote may be faulty. Contact the Keepsmile support team for further assistance.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Changing Colors

Here are some troubleshooting tips you can try if your Lights are not changing colors:

  • Ensure that your LED strip lights are in sync mode, not solo mode. You can switch between modes by pressing the buttons for lights or modes on your remote. All your LED strip lights flash once you select the correct mode.
  • Ensure that you use the correct remote control for your LED strip lights and that it has a color function. You can change the colors by pressing the color buttons on your remote control. You should see the colors change on your LED strip lights accordingly.
  • Ensure that you are using the correct app for your LED strip lights and that it has a color function. You can change the colors using your app’s color wheel or preset modes. You should see the colors change on your LED strip lights accordingly.

If the issue persists, your Lights or Remote may be faulty. Contact the Keepsmile support team for further assistance.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Keeps Disconnecting

Try the following tips to fix the problem:

  1. Check the power stability and ensure the socket/outlet is not faulty. If needed, move the strip light to a different outlet.
  2. Ensure Bluetooth is enabled and nothing blocks the signal between the lights and your remote control/app. Stay within 10 meters of the lights using the remote control/app.
  3. Check the controller connection and make sure it’s powered on. Disconnect the lights from the Controller if it’s overheating, and allow it to cool off before reconnecting.
Related Post:  Tenmiro Strip Lights Troubleshooting: + Full Set up Guide

If the Lights keep disconnecting, your Lights may be faulty. Contact the Keepsmile support team for help.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Won’t Turn Off

If your Lights won’t turn off, do the following troubleshooting:

  • Check the remote control. Ensure that you use the correct remote control for your LED strip lights and that it has the power button. You can turn off your LED strip lights by pressing the power button on your remote control. You should see all your LED Strip Lights turn off.
  • Check the Controller. Make sure that your LED strip lights are connected correctly to the Controller and that the Controller is powered on. If the Controller is overheating, remove it from power, disconnect the Lights from it, allow it to cook off, and then connect them back.
  • Turn off the Lights from the Circuit breaker or Switch, and then remove the power cable of the Strip Light from power. This should Turn off the Lights.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Showing Up in App

Try the following tips if your Lights are not showing up in the KeepSmile App:

  • Check the Bluetooth signal. Ensure your smartphone has Bluetooth enabled and is within 10 meters of your LED strip lights. You should also avoid placing your smartphone or LED strip lights near other Bluetooth devices or sources of interference that could affect the signal quality.
  • Ensure that your smartphone is compatible with the Keepsmile app and has the latest version of the App installed. You can download the Keepsmile app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. You should also check the system requirements and the supported devices for the App before downloading it.
  • Ensure you have followed the instructions in the user manual for setting up and using the Keepsmile app. You should also ensure that you have granted the App the necessary permissions and access to your smartphone’s features, such as location, camera, microphone, etc.

If you’re still having issues, delete the App and reinstall it, then follow the instructions in your used manual or within the App to set up the Lights again.

Keepsmile Led Strip Lights Not Recognizing Lights

Try the following troubleshooting tips to fix the problem:

  • Make sure you’re using the correct App. The Lights can only be controlled by the “KeepSmile” App. The App is available for download on the Google Playstore and iOS App Store.
  • Ensure that the Lights are correctly connected to the App. Also, ensure you have a stable power and the Bluetooth device is close to the Lights for a stable connection to avoid disconnection.
  • Ensure that your LED strip lights are connected correctly to the controller and that the controller is powered on. You can reset the controller by pressing and holding the reset button for 30 seconds. Release the button once the Lights flash.

Contact the Keepsmile support team for further assistance if the problem persists.

How to Factory Reset Keepsmile Led Strip Lights

  1. Turn off your LED strip lights by pressing the power button on your remote control or App.
  2. Disconnect your LED strip lights from the power supply and wait for 10 seconds.
  3. Reconnect your LED strip lights to the power supply and wait for 10 seconds.
  4. Turn OFF/ON the Strip Lights Five (5) more times.
  5. When the factory reset successfully, you should see all your LED strip lights flashing.


This guide has helped you troubleshoot some of the common problems you may face with your Keepsmile LED strip lights.

Following the steps in this guide, you should be able to troubleshoot any problems with your Keepsmile LED strip lights. If you’re still having trouble, please contact Keepsmile customer support for assistance.